Decluttering Your Home for the Holidays

Top 10 Tips

The holiday season is a time of celebration and joy, but it often brings additional clutter into our homes. With guests arriving and gifts being exchanged, maintaining an organized and clutter-free space is crucial. Here's a guide to help you declutter your home and make your holidays more enjoyable:

1. Declutter Holiday Décor

Start by evaluating your holiday decorations. If you haven't used an item in the past year or it lacks sentimental value, consider donating or giving it away. This simplifies your decorating process and reduces clutter.

2. Rehome Preloved Toys

Give new life to old toys by donating or selling them. This not only reduces waste but also brings joy to others.

3. Sort Out Surfaces

Organize your living space by decluttering surfaces. Create a calming environment by sorting items into keep, donate, or discard piles, and use storage solutions like decorative boxes for organization.

4. Clean Your Kitchen

Prepare your kitchen for holiday cooking:

  • Clear out expired items from your pantry and fridge.

  • Invest in airtight storage containers.

  • Label items with contents and opening dates.

  • Create a dedicated prep station for efficiency.

5. Finalize Food Supplies

Plan your holiday meals and make a detailed shopping list. Check your pantry and fridge for what you already have and avoid purchasing duplicates.

6. Organize Your Linen Closet

Declutter your linen closet, wash tired or musty linens, and organize them neatly with shelf dividers or baskets.

7. Strip Back Seasonal Clothing

Pack away off-season clothes to create space for winter wear and guests' belongings.

8. Manage Gift Wrap Supplies

Be sustainable with your gift wrapping. Use simple colors and repurpose materials whenever possible.

9. Reorganize Entryway and Powder Room

Declutter your entryway and ensure your powder room is stocked with essentials. Add festive touches to welcome guests.

10. Ditch Unrealistic Expectations

Break down tasks into manageable steps and give yourself grace to relax. Focus on enjoying time with loved ones rather than perfection.

By following these steps, you can create a more organized, peaceful, and enjoyable holiday environment in your home.


Juice Detox


Effective physical activity can be achieved through shorter, high-intensity workouts. Please consider the following tips: